Music and dance have been calling me on my path from my childhood on. Following this inner voice I was honored to dive into many teachings and formations around the world. 
A very important one for me has definitely been the university career "pedagogics of music and dance" where I could find the union of music and movement, a holistic way of teaching, of sharing. 

Guided by a great fascination about the variety of cultures and their music, their rhythms, their songs and healing traditions, I travelled the world for 7 years.

Mostly my paths lead all over South America where the amazing workshops with teachers and healers from South America were a real gift for me, a big treasure for me as a human. 

Since I have been practicing yoga since the age of 16, my journey took me to India where my yoga teacher training and the months in the ashram have been a life transforming experience. 
Sharing these gifts of life.

And from the moment on when I met the magic instrument Handpan (earlier Hang) in 2005, a very special relation with this instrument was born, flowing into my offerings. Since then I have been sharing my connection with sound through Handpans and my voice among other instruments.

Its of such happiness whenever I can support someone, open new doors. Sharing what I could explore in all these years on my path of investigation for a holistic approach with music and movement. For me these are such healing gifts and im so grateful that I can share it. I just love it.

The music that comes to me is inspired by my connection with nature, by the spirit of ancient cultures, the philosophy of yoga and by the great mystery of life.

"A gentle yet powerful medicine for the heart.